Teaching is a set of events, outside the learners which are designed to support internal process of learning or the process through which information often education training is passed. While learning is about a change; the change brought about by developing a new skill, understanding a scientific law and changing an attitude. Education as a tool for the empowerment and sustainable development is indispensable both to the individual and the state at large. This is one of the major philosophical objectives that education is set to achieve as entrenched in the national policy on education (FRN 2004). Education is held as a major tool that can liberate a man from the fangs of ignorance. Some of such poverty indicators which education tackles are identified by UBE (2002) to include ignorance, hunger, lack, complex and social weakness among others. Education should be that, that guarantees the development of sterling qualities and skills that will enable one embrace that challenge of leadership and practical statesmanship in the affairs of this country Nigeria.
ABSTRACT: Investigating the role of early childhood education in supportin...
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The study examined the attitude of students towards the teaching and learning of health educat...
The contribution of human labor is essential to organization. To understand this phenomena is...
ABSTRACT: The benefits of early childhood education in promoting sustainab...
This study investigates the Petroleum Profit Tax Administration in Nigerian: an empirical evidence for the peri...
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This study investigated the effects of Interactive Approach on Reading Comprehension and Attitudes of Senior Secondary School St...
This paper compares and examines the performance of secondary school students who were candidates in food and n...